Ranbir and Alia at Sonam's Wedding New couple Alert!! There's a new couple in the B-Town and it's none other than Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor. After many months of speculation by the fans and different medias, it is now confirmed that these two are dating each other. It was confirmed by Ranbir himself. Although they make a very cute and gorgeous couple, it came as a surprise (shock for many of the die-hard fans) for many, when Ranbir, in a recent interview talked about his "new" relationship with Alia Bhatt. After the Brahmastra actor confirmed about their relationship, people can't stop raving the new IT in the tinsel town. In the recent interview with GQ Ranbir said “It’s really new right now, and I don’t want to overspeak. It needs time to breathe and it needs space. As an actor, as a person, Alia is – what’s the right word? – flowing right now. When I see her work, when I see her act, even in life, what she gives is something that I’m aspir...